
Adding a Product

Before creating an e-commerce funnel, you need to have some products to sell. To create a product, click Products on the sidebar, then click New Product. Here you can start filling your product information like the title, description and images. Although you are not required to fill in all the

Importing a Product

If you already have a product on your Shopify store or would like to use a product from AliExpress, you can easily import your products to LightFunnels. To import a product, go to Products on the sidebar then click Import. Copy the product page link from Shopify or AliExpress and

Product Reviews

Reviews are one of the best ways to raise social proof for your products and increase your conversion rates. You can access your reviews by going to Products on the sidebar then choosing Reviews. Here you can see all the reviews you have on your account. You can use the

Importing Product Reviews

If you are starting a new product promotion, reviews for that product may already be available elsewhere on the internet. That's why we made it possible for you to import reviews in one click. We currently support reviews from AliExpress. To import reviews: Choose Products, click Reviews then Import.Select

AI Implementation

We're excited to offer you a free experience of our cutting-edge AI implementation. Unleash the full potential of AI to enhance your experience and productivity on our site. Our AI technology is designed to make your interactions with our platform smoother, brighter, and more enjoyable. Dive into a world of

Stock Management

OverviewLightfunnels introduces a Stock Management feature, designed to manage inventory for products and their variants, ensuring customers can only purchase items available in stock. How does it work?Enabling Stock ManagementNavigate to your product settings and scroll to find the "stock control" option. Enable it and input the available items

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